Bolchalk FReY's Blog

Creative Myth #5 Stock Images – fact and fiction
July 19, 2017, 1:54 pm
Filed under: Art, Marketing, Photography, Uncategorized | Tags:


 Myth:  If I pay for a stock image from a stock website, I own the image.

Well, yes partially.  You have paid for the licensing rights to use an image or in other words you have paid for royalty free copyrights.  However, that image is still available for anyone else to “buy” and use.

Why this is important…if you are creating a key marketing campaign around a single image or small packet of images and have only invested in the rights for usage, your competitor or someone else in your industry might also love and use them.

Images are so critical to tell stories, based on shorter attention spans and massive amounts of daily messages.  If your image or images are critical to your “story”, hire a photographer or purchase full rights for the images.


Creative Myth #4: Branding and Logos are the Same Thing
July 13, 2017, 3:27 pm
Filed under: Branding, Marketing, Uncategorized | Tags:

These two words are often misused and misunderstood. Branding is about the elevation of a company, product or service from being a commodity to being distinct and recognized through identity, marketing, advertising and most importantly, client experiences. There are many competing products, services and organizations, but branding creates that crucial distinction from the competition.


Logos by themselves are a graphic icon and/or typographic mark that identifies and represents a product, service or company. Logos are part of brand identity which is the visual part of branding that includes advertisements, signs, uniforms, packaging and many other collateral materials.