Bolchalk FReY's Blog

6 Tips for Creating the Perfect Portfolio
October 16, 2013, 3:32 pm
Filed under: Design | Tags: , , , , ,


Whether you’re setting out for your first design job or trying to land your ultimate dream job, having the best portfolio is key. Believe me when I say, nobody’s going to care if your interview skills are great if your portfolio looks like poo! Here are a few tips to get the ball rolling on your perfect design portfolio.

1. Include a Wide Range of Work
For a physical portfolio, aim to include at least 20 pages of work. Make sure that these pages are filled with different types of projects. Yes, you may be great at logos, but that’s not all you can do. Be sure to include brochures, outdoor design, or whatever else you do so that your future employer knows you’re not just one-fold.

2. Include Appropraite Samples
Make sure to include samples of work that are appropriate to the job you’re applying to. If you have illustration skills, that’s great but these type of samples probably won’t land you the job as graphic designer.

3. Provide Context
An ad or brochure can look great standing alone, but it won’t mean much to anyone else unless they know why you created it and how your design accomplished the client’s goals. Be sure to include context with your work samples, even if it is just in a verbal exmplination.

4. Non-client Work is OK
Your portfolio doens’t have to include only work that you completed for a particular client. Self-initiated projects are acceptable for showing your talents (that is, as long as they’re appropriate to the job you’re applying for).

5. Keep It Updated
You don’t want to be turned down by a potential employer because your portfolio was outdated. Make sure you keep your creative samples up to date… you never know when you might get the opportunity to show those puppies off!

6. Step Back, Take a Look
I know it may be hard to be objective because your portfolio is filled with your own work, but take a step back and figure out what your portfolio says about you. Future employers will learn a lot about you based on your portfolio alone, so make sure it’s sending the right message.

Hopefully these tips will help you improve your portfolio so that you can land that job you’ve been dreaming about. For tips for creating the best online portfolio, come back next week!

Kristen Oaxaca, Graphic Designer