Bolchalk FReY's Blog

Myth #3: Your design should follow the newest trends or match the styles of other designs in your industry
May 10, 2017, 3:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Don’t do it. Resist the temptation to tread a path that’s already been worn by others. Trends come and go
(and sometimes come back again), and they change so often and so quickly.
Matching the look of competing logos is lazy, uninspiring and bad practice. To truly shine, you want to set
your brand apart from the competition. That is where an agency like ours can help. As graphic designers,
we know that there are many competing brands in the marketplace, and it is a challenge to develop
something that is creative, fresh and different. A solid design should reflect what your brand is about. It
can convey your brand’s personality or tone with current and prospective consumers, communicate your
brand as being unique rather than a commodity and be easily remembered in the hearts and minds of
current and future clients.
Lastly, the final design can utilize or follow a style or trend ONLY if its use is needed for or is relevant to
the communication of your message and not just for personal aesthetic preferences. Again, styles and
trends can quickly become dated. You will want your financial investment in the final design to last as long
as possible. Don’t pay extra to have your logo, collateral or web site redesigned because it is perceived to
be dated or does not communicate your brand. It will cost you not only in money but also in brand value in
the eyes of the consumer.

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